Tata Nano – Now the capitalists are looting poorest of poor

by Shantanu Singh   Bharat Jun 17, 2008 4 Comments

The saga of looting motherland never seems to end. Every now and then motherland has been subjected to barbarian looting. Starting from Alexander, Mahmud Gazanvi to mid day robbers British all tried to plunder motherland in whatever means they could. They did their best to wipe out our country from the face of the Earth however we survived all of them and kept on flourishing. Now in the modern era we might think that this looting will stop but we are just like ostrich who buries his head in sand to avoid seeing the try danger. These visionary of modern India are worse than those barbarians from the past who were at least didn’t hide their Identity.

Looting upper middle class was not enough and now these capitalist vultures are breaking into poorest of poor people’s pocket to rob them of their last saved penny.

Tata Nano is not a car of for the poor but it is the medium of looting the money from poor. Tata’s spent 4 years in planning this looting and now it has come to its culmination. Whole country is celebrating and even those who are being robbed are celebrating in the belief that now they have got wheels and they can be at par with those upper class riches who have been enjoying the fruit of the greatest economic success story of modern era.

However in this euphoric celebration everyone forgets where on the Earth they will run this car?

Where are the roads?

Where is the air?

We barely have sufficient O2 in the already over polluted atmosphere to breathe and survive and now these Nanos will suck out remaining O2 from the air too and leave us nothing but to breathe Carbon Monoxide.

I’m not complaining, I’m waking up my fellow countrymen to open their eyes and see what is happening behind their hypnotic sleep.

The country is being robbed of its last remaining resources and we are celebrating.

Open your eyes Bharat and save this most ancient spiritual civilization from the clutches of white collar robbers.


4 Responses to “ Tata Nano – Now the capitalists are looting poorest of poor ”
  1. Toni

    Bharat!……..pls get your facts straight before blaming TATA for this!!!!! Comment Edited as this person lost his temper by reading the truth !!!!

  2. Bharat

    This person is sales person of TATA in England and as we traced him out on http://www.rentaskilldirect.com/index.php?nav=profile&un=136

    His IP address,, is banned for spamming.

    This person has no connection whatsoever with Bharat apart from being a mere employee of Corrupt TATA group which has looted Bharat since they were given asylum in the greart country.

    This person even doesn’t know what is “Bharat2 and what does it mean as it can be seen from his comment.

    Toni read Indian history. You seem to be a brainless and uneducated British thug employed by equally corrupt TATAs.

    Read where TATAs come from and how they have looted this country like British.

  3. Atithi (Hum Nahin Jayenge!)

    Your arguments against Nano are not substantive. Why have you not be calling Maruti, ford and so on as looters? and if there are no roads, whose fault is it? If there is pollution whose fault is it? You seem to have inherited Jawaharian genetics, and therefore blame everything on profit-seeking.

    So if cars are made, industries are evil, if cars are not made, industries are evil. In such a case, what is one to do?

    If you can not apply reason, at least apply evolved human emotion. For long those who could merely envy “the rich” moving about in their cars, will be able to respectfully and with their head held high, afford driving their own car. Whether it is Nano, or Namano, it does not matter. And if cars end up polluting, all cars need to be banned, including those who are ferrying your Tharoors and Sunandas.

    No point in complaining against Nano.

    A substantive criticism of Nano is that its safety has been verified by the tatas. Some new Nanos have caught fire. And this needs to be probed into.

  4. Ajit

    I’m reading this news in 2021 and I can see why Shantanu Singh was so bang on the post. He predicted demise of Tata Nano and it is no more. R.I.P. Tata nano. This car was doomed since inception.

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